Toy Story
Drawing brief: to take your toy on a journey with you and draw it in various places from various angles.

Since I hadn't brought any of my own toys with me to uni, I decided to go try my luck with a Kinder Egg, since buying one would both get me a toy and some chocolate; win win. Unfortunately, the Marvel Kinder Egg I picked up blessed me with the most ugly looking Captain America I have ever seen.
But I'm stubborn, so soulless Cap it was!
My first drawing I really regret, as I didn't realise before starting that a fruit juice carton is the most mundane thing a person can draw. All the detail is in the flat stuff which, as you can tell, I decided to skive off of. This was also where I realised that Cap's shape was a pain in the ass to get accurate.
Next up: a visit to the Stannary. Again, bad choices were made. I should have chosen a more dynamic angle or position, as this one's composition was entirely unappealing. I ended up doing more detail to the background than the foreground. Did realise that Cap was way more interesting to draw small, and that ink pen is my best friend.
With Cap and Audrey III, my cactus, I was pretty happy with this one, although the pot looks a little flat. Drawing Cap close up made it easier to capture his form, and cacti are interesting to draw anyway, so that was fun.
For the below one, I realised how much fun I had if I concentrated on drawing the backgrounds instead of Cap. This was a drawing of my desk. I love drawing clutter as it is really interesting connecting all the shapes together, like a puzzle.
These two drawings were done late night with my friends Amanda and Warrick after watching Bake Off. I decided to continue with my theme of drawing cluttered compositions in pen as I thought that this was by best style. I especially enjoyed drawing the fabric in these two sketches.
In conclusion, I should probably make sure I have an interesting subject to draw if I'm needing to draw them several times. I should also experiment with more mediums, to see what styles suit me in each task.
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