Life Drawing 1(ish)
This long delayed post is why I haven't been posting much as of late. I forgot to take pictures of my life drawings for the first class directly after making them, which lead them to end up getting crumpled in the corner of my room. Lesson taught.

Technically, in my first life drawing class, the life model was ill, so really, the second class was the first life drawing class. So here's the drawings from that class.
3 minute sketches
Drawing without looking at the page(around 10 minutes)
Drawing excercise where we rotated in completing a drawing. I put down the base for this drawing.
2 minute poses
10 minute prop poses
10 minute pose
I like life drawing a lot, and am pretty comfortable in doing it. I do think that I need to work on my speed and my confidence in strokes to make a really good drawing.
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