Life Drawing 3

Last life drawing session of the year! We began with some 2 minute poses. I am pretty happy with how these came out with how little time we had to draw them, although I know at the time I didn't feel I was 'in the zone'

For this excercise we were encouraged to use one line/not take our charcoal off the paper when we drew. I found this really freed me up, as I wasn't really trying to concentrate on being accurate, but to just get the energy of the pose. I'll probably do more of these in the future, they are really relaxing and are good for warming up. 

THIS AGAIN. I think I learned a lot from this excercise last time though. I worked much faster and was able to capture the entire form. There were still a few inaccuracies, like the body being too large, and the legs being too small, but an improvement from last week.

Here's a full body 15 minute sketch. I just got the head in, I always misjudge the height of bodies. Proportion wise I'm quite happy with this. I possibly put her right shoulder too low, but overall not bad I think. I think I did a pretty good job of drawing the feet too.
Here's a drawing of three quick 2 minute actions in a motion. I love drawing these, as they always have a sense of movement, and because they're quick, I don't overwork it and the lines are normally more expressive than long drawings.
Here's a longer sketch on midtone paper. Speaking of overworking, I always try to work on getting the body accurate in these longer poses, then never have time to shade them like I want to. Maybe I should try to be more expressive and quick with capturing the pose, to give more time to shading. It should also give more expressive poses too.
  Finally, a 10 minute pose to finish. Why do I always put the butt in the middle of the page. Looking back at this, the proportions always look so weird. Ah well. I'll use Christmas to practice!


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