Life drawing
First life drawing session of the year!

We started off with some 15 minute poses with the model leaning on a stick.
This was a challenge as the balance of the body differed due to some of its weight being on the stick. I really had to analyse how the body leaned before starting the sketch, otherwise the poses wouldn’t look right.
Also I kept on drawing too big, so I missed out the feet a lot(I say, almost as if I don’t like drawing the feet).
I did one more drawing at 10 minutes, then was given only 2 minutes to draw the differing poses.
I’ve always loved drawing fast as I feel that my drawings look much more expressive and come out a lot better, and I think that’s the case here too. I especially like the one in the middle, as I really concentrated on creating the form of the body in that one. Again, need to fit the feet in, but not a bad start to a great year! Just need to draw as much as I can!
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